What Every Homeowner Should Know About FOG

Most homeowners have no idea why their plumber is concerned about FOG, which is quite alarming once you understand that FOG stands for fats, oils, and grease. These materials should be forbidden anywhere near your kitchen sink and definitely kept out of your kitchen sink drain. Sure, they could appear to be harmless liquids when you wash them down the drain, but you have no idea the trouble and harm they cause once inside your Boulder home’s drain lines.

The Havoc Created By FOG

When you rinse that pan filled with hot fat, oil, or grease, all you see is a little thicker liquid following the stream of hot water down the drain. But moments later, that water is no longer hot, and the liquid FOG is now beginning to solidify inside the drain line. But even worse, these little chunks of gelatinous grease float in the water instead of flowing away to the city sewer system. And in more cases than not, the chunks get stuck to the walls of the drain lines or fittings. And when the water stops flowing, they become more solid and sticky. So the next time you rinse bits of food debris from a pan or plate, they become lodged in the greasy glob.

A Poor Alternative

After learning that washing FOG down the kitchen sink is a bad idea, many homeowners wonder if a toilet is the better choice. But remember that all of your home’s drain lines are connected. And the greasy mess will only clog the other drain lines when it is flushed. However, there is a safe way to dispose of any fats, oils, or grease you have in the kitchen.

The Right Way To Dispose Of FOG

Hopefully, you agree that FOG has no place in your home’s drain system. And that means you need to have a safe and easy way to get that nasty FOG into your trash receptacle. Most homeowners opt for a grease can or jar. This is just a place to pour or scrape any fats, oils, or grease to make it easy to put in the trash can. Once the FOG is cool, put a lid on the container if you like and place it with the rest of your trash.

Sure it takes a little bit of extra time to deal with FOG correctly, but a lot less time than it takes to find a plunger or use any other type of clog removing process. And properly disposing of these greasy substances will help eliminate much of the sour or nasty odor from a garbage disposal or kitchen sink drain.

Oh No, It’s Too Late…

If you have been dumping FOG into your kitchen sink, you could be facing a clog. The best home remedy is a cup of baking soda down the drain, followed by a cup of vinegar. Let the magic bubbles clean for several minutes, then flush with hot water.

This cleaning process should remove any FOG clogs and prevent a flood of dirty water in your kitchen sink. It is also a great way to eliminate odors. But be sure that you come up with a plan that works for you to dispose of future FOG properly.

When You Need Professional Help

If the baking soda and vinegar did not do the trick, it is time to call (720) 740-0452 for a professional drain cleaning. At Royal Services Plumbing, our pros licensed plumbers use nothing but a jet of pure water to blast away clogs and FOG from your home’s drains. So there is no harsh chemical odor or risk of damage to your drain lines.