Portrait Of Female Plumber Working On Central Heating Boiler

Springtime Tips for Your Plumbing

Spring is on the way. It’s a great season to do outdoor activities, and it’s a great season to check your plumbing. Even though most of your plumbing is indoors, Brighton’s winter weather can do a number on it and lead to problems that you may not be aware of. Our plumbers at Royal Services Plumbing believe it’s best to tackle little problems early on before they become big ones. With that in mind, here are three things you can do this spring to make sure your plumbing is in top shape.

Check Your Toilet for Leaks

Though it’s obvious that you have a leak if you see water around the base of your toilet bowl, other leaks aren’t so easy to find. One fun way to check for leaks is to open up the tank and add a few drops of food coloring. If the tank is leaking into the bowl, you’ll see the water change color in about half an hour.

While checking the toilet, look for cracks. Hairline cracks can be hard to see, but if they exist, they need to be repaired before they grow. Spring is also the time to open up the tank and make sure that the parts inside are in good working order. Check valves for limescale, corrosion, or damage.

Check Your Water Heater

If you have a water heater that’s more than 15 years old, it may be time to think of replacing it. Water heaters, including the ones we install and service, are so much more efficient than the one you bought when you first moved into your house. Water heaters can be fueled by gas or electricity. It’s important that gas does not escape from your water heater, and one way to make sure no gas is escaping is to paint the seals with soapy water. If the water bubbles, that means you have a potentially dangerous gas leak. Turn off the supply, and call our plumbers at Royal Services Plumbing as soon as possible.

Other tips for your water heater are:

  • Check the pressure relief valve. If it’s faulty, call us.
  • Flush the tank, and let it refill with fresh water.
  • Replace leaking drain valves.
  • If the heater is electric, turn off the power at the source, open the access panel, and check for any burnt wires.

Don’t Forget to Check Outside

Make sure the outside drains, gutters, and downspouts are clear of debris, including bird’s nests, twigs, moss, and dead leaves. Repair any leaks to your garden hose, or buy a new one. If you’re using the hose, unhook it at night just in case there’s a freeze.

Call Us at Royal Service Plumbing for Your Plumbing Needs

Brighton is a lovely city and one of the best places in America to live. If there are any spring plumbing tasks that you just can’t handle, don’t hesitate to call our plumbers at Royal Service Plumbing.